Here are the latest people and situations we are upholding in prayer:
1) Deon: Coming out of the gym, we noticed a fellow member hobbling severely beside us. He could barely walk after severely injuring his back on an exercise machine. We ended up praying over him in Jesus’ name, and he phoned us that evening to share his excitement about being healed. This gave us more opportunity to share with him some of our own stories and some scriptures, explaining that Jesus healed in the Bible (and still does) with a purpose of drawing people into full relationship with Him. We left Deon with some Bible study suggestions and encouraged him to reach back out to us if he wants to be water-baptized and filled with the Holy Spirit.
2) Lady who ran out of gas around the corner from our house: As Don was returning home one afternoon, he noticed she seemed stranded in her vehicle. She was crying and very upset, not knowing what to do. Don was able to zip home and bring her the spare container of gas that we always have handy for emergencies. She shared that she could very much see God’s hand upon the entire “rescue” situation, so we hope she will take Don’s scriptural encouragement and feel moved to act upon it.
3) Jake & Abigail: Don met Jake in the hardware store when Jake asked him a question about grouting tiles. After discovering that Jake is already Spirit-filled (his wife, too), they had a great conversation about the Lord and even went out to Jake’s car to chat more, together with Abigail (who was waiting in the parking lot). Jake accepted Don’s invitation and came over that night. We all had a wonderful time together, enjoying one another’s testimonies and encouraging Jake in his own evangelistic ministry.
4) Julie: While Daniel and Don were at our local bank branch recently, Don got chatting with the teller. She mentioned something about some struggles in her life right now, which led to Don mentioning hope through Jesus, which led to Julie (the teller) sharing that she is Spirit-filled and prays in tongues fairly often, which led to Don offering a whole bunch of encouragement from God, which led to Julie tearing up and wanting to get together to pray with us. She was super eager and came over that night straight after work. We had beautiful conversation and powerful prayer, and she left feeling refreshed and empowered in Christ. Julie had been fasting and praying for answers the very afternoon Don and Daniel came into the branch, so she knew beyond doubt that God had set up the connection. Praise Jesus!
5) We are off on another “Winging It!” trip at the end of this week! I’m not sure how much time I’ll have available to keep up on the blog posts. However, I am very much looking forward to sharing the miraculous hand of the Lord upon our travels, at least upon our return. We always expect the unexpected as God uses us to help grow His Kingdom upon this earth — what a joy and honor this is!