We are learning more and more to walk in peace and expectation when our days get unexpectedly turned around. This happened to Don recently when he ended up at the mall much later than planned. I can’t remember why he had to go there — I think it was to do a return at one of the stores.
Anyway, on his way into the mall, he noticed two young ladies handing out leaflets. They were there of their own accord (and not with any group), enthusiastic about preaching the gospel to passersby. Don asked them many questions, curious as to how they would approach the subject of Jesus and salvation. Don soon discovered they were both born again of water and the Holy Spirit, but they didn’t have clarity on several points.
Both young ladies listened intently while Don took his turn sharing his experiences and understanding of scripture. He also encouraged them that they have the authority to water baptize repentant believers and pray for them to be filled with the Holy Spirit.
They all chatted for a long while, and as they were ready to part ways, the older gal happily threw her leaflets in the trash can. She had had an awakening that the “sinner’s prayer only” message she previously preached was not according to Biblical truth. Don was surprised she did this — it was a first for him to witness, but he congratulated her on her courage!
Another evening, our whole family was at the mall. Just before closing, I zipped into a store with Elisabeth for a last check for something I needed. On our way in, I spied a man with a t-shirt that said, “Ask me about Jesus!” So, I stopped in my tracks, smiled, and exclaimed to him, “Sure . . . I will . . . !” Don and the guys soon joined us and we all ended up having an awesome conversation outside the store. The couple is born again of water and the Holy Spirit. The lady, in particular, prays in tongues a lot. They were about to get married in two weeks and could recognize why the Lord connected us with them, to encourage them in their future ministry together.