Last weekend, the weather was so beautiful that we went for a long hike. Our daughter took us down a very narrow, out-of-the-way path to try to see some waterfalls, but it led to a dead end. We stood and searched for a while, but then eventually turned to head back. Just as we did, we spied a young gal (Lauren) heading our way. She, too, was trying to get to the falls.
Lauren had a t-shirt on promoting a Christian college, so we asked her about it. That soon transitioned into us sharing with her our testimonies, plus stories of us praying with people around the world. We ended up laying hands on her and praying over her. She even asked if she could play worship music while we all prayed, which was great. Here we were, a group of us praying to the Lord in the middle of the forest with beautiful music surrounding us!