We just returned from a ten-day trip. Lots of opportunity to share the Word of God with all kinds of people in different situations as we traveled. That’s generally always the way it happens - organically, throughout the natural course of our day. I will share one special story:

Don needed to buy a cargo hitch for the rear of our vehicle in order carry some extra luggage. We were out to dinner when he decided to quickly search in the area where we were dining (which was over one hour away from where we were staying). He “happened” to find one close by.

After arriving and purchasing the carrier, Don talked some more with the man (Bryce) and found out that he and his family were in the process of searching for a new church. We all ended up joining the conversation, including Bryce’s wife (Becky) and 8-year-old daughter (Bryleigh). Soon, we were laying hands on Bryce, praying for him to be filled with the Holy Spirit. He quickly received, speaking in tongues as proof, and then Becky followed, also receiving the infilling of the Holy Spirit.

Our 10-year-old (Spirit-filled) daughter was eager to ask Bryleigh if she would also like to pray. She was very keen, having just seen her parents both filled with the Holy Spirit, and having eagerly listened to all of the previous discussion about the Lord. So, we all laid hands on Bryleigh and she also received. Praise God - a whole family anointed with the Holy Spirit in one night!

