We keep praying for the Lord to continue sending workers to our home who are hungering for a closer relationship with Him, and God keeps answering miraculously! The construction on the pool is now about half complete (soon our baptismal tank will be ready, including a hot tub for winter time baptisms!) and, so far, Don has had lots of opportunity to share the Word with a variety of people. Each time, it is so clearly obvious that God orchestrated the conversations — a number of times, the workers themselves have commented to Don or amongst themselves, “See what God did - He made me/you come to work here today in order to hear this message!”

We have learned over our decades of Christian ministry that the Holy Spirit is constantly at work around people and within their lives, doing all kinds of things to try to bring them to a point of sincere humility and repentance and dependance on the Father through the blood of Jesus Christ; to a point where they will finally be born again and zealous to follow after the ways of their Savior. Even those that are already Spirit-filled often need to be awakened, fed, reminded and/or chastened. You see, the Holy Spirit is not the “doer,” He is the “helper,” and God often uses our family to bring a message to born again (yet spiritually weak) believers, too.

All of this work for the Lord is simply our reasonable service, and it’s just a portion of the multitude of ways God is working upon men, women, and even children, to help them toward eternal life with Him (for those who will obey God’s call). So, we simply wake up each day, looking to God to preceed us in all things, and trying our best to be obedient to whatever God does in our lives (individually, and as a family).

