We had some travel points to use up which coincided with feeling led of the Holy Spirit to travel south for a few days, for a mini “Winging It!” trip. It was a perfect opportunity to reflect upon our growth in the Lord this last year, to focus our spiritual goals for 2023, and to see how God might use our time down there to touch others’ lives. And He did…!
While visiting a coffee shop bakery late one afternoon, a lady in the line up commented on my boots. This led to us asking if she was a local or just visiting like us, which soon led to her mentioning the word “Christian” in her conversation. Instantly, we realized things had been set up by the Lord, so we asked her where she goes to church. We ended up spending a long while chatting with her and showing her our latest “Winging It!” video. We could see that she wanted to pray, but she had a strong aversion to speaking in tongues given some past negative experiences. We left things with her, encouraging her to share the afternoon’s events with her husband (who, we discovered at that point, is actually filled with the Holy Spirit!).
We drove away, praying for the lady and her husband, that God would give increase to what we had just shared. Then, just as we were finishing up the prayer, the lady phoned us, inviting us over to their home to chat some more. We ended up staying until quite late into the night! We were also able to encourage her husband to pray daily in the Holy Spirit — to “turn up the dial” and keep it there. He knew exactly what we were talking about as he felt like he had gotten a bit out of line with God’s Word (as he put it), so He most definitely could see God’s miraculous hand upon us all coming together.
Then, after leaving the very same coffee shop bakery the next day (this time on a run/bike ride), we called into a clothing store on the way back to the hotel. I actually needed to use their bathroom, so while I did so, Don got chatting with the store manager. Somehow, he got chatting about our Christian ministry and discovered that the manager is filled with the Holy Spirit (but hasn’t spoken in tongues much at all over the years — discouraged by her parents’ religious traditions, which she was obviously brought up in).
Being the store manager, we asked her if she could spare about 7 minutes so we could inspire her with others’ testimonies from our latest video. She was very touched and, subseqeuntly, was keen to have us pray over her. So we went to her office, laid hands on her, and prayed. She was in tears as she prayed in tongues along with us, after which she shared that it was God’s miraculous timing give some things that had happened between her and her husband the night before.
We also stopped in to say goodbye to her after we checked out of the hotel the next day, on our way back home. We never really know how much of an impact we have had on people’s lives, as the Lord’s vessels for His Kingdom’s work upon this earth. All we can do, for the most part, is pray that God continues to build upon the work He has called us to do for a time — often for just a very brief period of time! Nevertheless, these moments can be the catalyst for miraculous change, overcoming, and growth in the lives we are sent to touch on His behalf.
Finally, on our drive home, Don felt led to stop by the offices of our favorite brand of coffee. We don’t drink a lot of coffee, and a while ago we found one that’s organic and very “clean.” For some time, Don has been wanting to call in to check them out, and this trip “happened” to provide a perfect opportunity for this to occur. Interestingly (God’s hand!), the manager that Don had spoken with last time was off on vacation, so we got to meet the General Manager instead. What was initially meant to be a brief “hello” and quick tour of the facilities turned into much more…
While chatting to him, he mentioned the words, “God willing…” So a little later, we asked if he was a Bible-believing man. This turned into a wonderful conversation. We took a break to give him a chance to complete some office tasks, telling him to text us when he was done. He did, and when we returned we sat for a long time, discussing the Word, encouraging him, and having prayer together. His mother and his wife’s mother are both filled with the Holy Spirit, speaking in tongues, so he is familiar with this to some degree. We purposed to catch up again very soon, this time with his wife and kids, so we can hopefully baptize and pray for them all.
I simply love the way God works — the Holy Spirit constantly moves on us to go here or there, to do this or that, and during these natural circumstances of our lives, God’s work gets accomplished! — By the Holy Spirit, through Jesus, unto the Father, within God’s Kingdom.