I was going to continue the last post with more stories, but the post would have ended up way too long. So, here’s part #2:

This is a copy of a text I sent to a few brethren, to encourage them. (By the way, both gals did end up getting water baptized and they both received the Holy Spirit, speaking in tongues very powerfully. Praise God!)

An encouraging story: Preparing the Hearts of Those Ready to Hear (in abbreviated bullet point form 😉)

Main theme:

God is doing miraculous things in the lives of the people that He is just about to send us to (as messengers on His behalf). He is doing these miraculous things to prepare their hearts for Truth.


    ⁃    On a run one day, I (Kaye) run past a young 20-something nanny pushing a stroller.

    ⁃    She is playing a sermon out loud, listening as she strolls along.

    ⁃    Sensing the “pager beeper” (old school, I know 😜) of the Holy Spirit go off inside me, I stop and go back to ask her with a big smile what she is listening to.

    ⁃    An entire conversation results. She had just started turning back to God. Her grandmother spoke in tongues, so she is very familiar with it. I encourage her to be in touch.

    ⁃    Nothing, until…

    ⁃    Months later, I run into her again, this time coming straight toward me. She is so excited. Just the day before, she declares, she was reading Romans and she had a breakthrough understanding of the depth of purpose behind Jesus’ sacrifice on the cross.

    ⁃    I ask her more about it and I then encourage her some more. Again, I offer, “We can pray with you…! 😁”

    ⁃    This time, things seem to hit home. She texts me not long after. She also says her friend is looking like she wants to be water baptized. She shares some of her background with me.

    ⁃    Don & I suggest that we all meet up at the local gardens to chat and help answer questions. They were both super keen.

    ⁃    We met them this morning. Great conversation. Toward the end, the friend breaks down as she shares what happened to her last night…

    ⁃    She has been drawing nigh to God since mid this year, away from occult practices and a lesbian relationship. She has been reading and praying and trying to discover Jesus. She thinks she might be ready to commit to Jesus via baptism.

    ⁃    Last night, she runs into a homeless guy as she enters her local Dollar Store. She feels overwhelmed with compassion for him and wants to help. She asks him his needs and he mentions all the things he would like. She buys it all despite being really tight on finances.

    ⁃    As she is giving it all to him outside the store, he flips out on her unexpectedly, opposite to his demeanour not long before. He is mean, accusing, rejecting, and discontent with her help.

    ⁃    She leaves, confused, hurt, dejected, and scared (it’s dark by now). She cries as she walks all the way home, repeating over and over (in comfort) something she recently saw in a video about God’s name YHWH sounding like a breath. As she prays this name, she senses the presence of God and His reassurance about her future.

    ⁃    We excitedly share our perspective on what happened — on the very night before she is getting together with us…!

    ⁃    She agrees, still in tears of joy and surrender to God — that it was the Father opening up her eyes and heart to His Son. She says to us, “Yes, I had the very same thought — that, wow, what happened to me at the store must have been what it was like for Jesus, yet His experience must have been magnified a thousand time, or more…!”

    ⁃    God wanted her to realize Who it is that she will be committing her life to. The Father wants her to know the Son. So beautiful!!

    ⁃    She is ready now.

    ⁃    For us as God’s messengers:

Remember that God is always working behind the scenes (from our perspective) to bring the lost into relationship with Him through Jesus!!

And sometimes, we get the blessing of discovering some of those behind-the-scenes miracles. But if we don’t see them/know of them, they are still surely happening!

