Okay, so part #2 ended up being long, too, so here’s part #3 ;) Oh, by the way, I forgot to add to the last post that the gals had invited a lady (Christina) from their apartment complex to their water baptism. They had only met Christina for the first time just a couple of days earlier. Christina and her husband (both born again of water and the Holy Spirit) had been talking and praying about their desire to serve the Lord, “that surely there are some young people here” — i.e. where they live — “that are hungering and thirsting for Jesus.” Christina was excited to hear everything that Don and I shared, and she was eager to tell her husband. After their recent disappointing church experiences, they commented that maybe they are meant to start something of their own — like a small house group! We encouraged them to get together with the gals for prayer and Bible reading so that they would have regular, united fellowship.
Also, while we were on a business trip to Kentucky, we spent more than two hours encouraging a sister in the Lord who we met at a Thai restaurant. She is the owner-manager. She (Toey) felt drawn to constantly pass by our table to chat with us. Finally, we made some comments about Jesus and her face lit up with joy. She had only recently started to pray in tongues again after many years. Toey had lots of questions and she soaked up our encouragement from the Lord. All of the other customers had left by the time we all stopped chatting, so we helped Toey close up the restaurant. It was a very beautiful evening together.
At the end of our Kentucky trip, we spent the last couple of days in Nashville, following up on some business leads. Seeing that we were going to be in town, we reached out to one of Don’s favorite clients. We were very glad to finally meet him and his wife (and two gorgeous hound dogs!). They are both Spirit-filled, so it was great to be able to talk about the Lord together and offer them some spiritual encouragement and prayer.