We have learned that God uses certain things to attract our attention. One of these is clothing that mentions His name and/or His Word. This has happened to us quite a few times. Two situations occurred just recently…
While at the playground with our daughter, my husband saw a teenage girl with a t-shirt that said, “Committed to God.” He said to her, “I love your shirt!” and proceeded to chat with the gal’s mother. After sharing some stories of our Christian ministry adventures, the mother said she had been wondering about speaking in tongues for a long time and had even asked her pastor to pray for her for that gift. By this time, I had joined the conversation and together my husband and I explained that we never pray for someone to speak in tongues; we only ever pray for someone to be filled with the Holy Spirit – and then they speak in tongues as the first manifesting sign (because tongues is the “voice” of the Holy Spirit). The mother was eager to have us pray for her right then and there in the middle of the park, so we laid hands on her and asked God to anoint her with the Holy Spirit. The mother received the Holy Spirit very quickly, speaking in tongues as proof, and crying with joy and relief that it had finally happened to her.
We spoke some more words of encouragement and exhortation. The mother could totally see that it was God’s doing that we connected. She even explained that they weren’t meant to come to the park that day and that it was a last minute decision for them. Praise God for the way He moves people about so that His truth can get shared with those that are hungering and thirsting for it!
A few days after this, we were sitting outside a coffee shop with our children when I spied a lady with a scripture on the back of her t-shirt. My oldest son saw it, too, so he purposed to give her one of our cards on her way out of the store. He did so, and began to chat with her. After a bit, I joined their conversation and we discovered that the lady had been water baptized and received the Holy Spirit many years ago, but she had not prayed in tongues much since. We invited her to sit and pray with us which she did, but she was due at work within minutes, so she had to leave soon after that. Please keep her in your prayers. Her name is Laura. She was obviously moved the whole experience because she was weeping as we prayed.
Also, please keep Joseph and his workmate in your prayers. We were at a Nike store last night and Joseph was very pleasant and helpful as we searched for some running shoes. As he finished helping me and was about to leave, I asked for his name. When he told me it was Joseph, I exclaimed, “Oh, a biblical name!” He said, “Yes, Mam!” and so we got into a conversation about God and His Word. He seemed to listen very intently as I (and Don by this stage) shared various scriptures with him. Joseph’s workmate overheard and commented on what a great converation we were having, so we gave him a card, too, on our way out. I love it when God causes His Word to go out in simple situations like this – while shopping for runners!!