So cool… Last night on a family walk, we ran into someone we’ve known in the community for many years (over ten years) but never really had a chance to get to know. We stopped and chatted and ended up inviting him back to our place to see a new video production of ours. On the way out, Don spoke with him alone about how he’s doing in life and Don ended up sharing the fullness of our personal testimonies with him. Very soon, we were praying with him in our lounge room and he received the Holy Spirit anointing, speaking in tongues so clearly. He described feeling a sense of complete peace which is what many people share with us when they’re filled with the power of the Holy Spirit. Don then baptized him in our bathtub. What a joy it was to finally to see this young man find a personal relationship with the living God through Jesus Christ. Needless to say, it made our day!!

