We had an amazing day yesterday. First, here’s a copy of the Facebook post we added to Don’s business page:
“A call for more kindness in this world!! … On our way to Kansas City late yesterday afternoon, we noticed a car starting to smoke by the side of the highway. We stopped to help and tried to flag down other vehicles that might have a fire extinguisher on board. The sad thing is that only one trucker (by law, all big rigs must carry a fire extinguisher) stopped to give us his extinguisher. Literally dozens of truckers passed us – at a crawl pace! – yet all but one looked the other way as I desperately motioned to them. One fire extinguisher wasn’t enough – probably just two more and we could have saved this couple’s vehicle and kayaks on board. We stayed with the husband and wife for over two hours to comfort, encourage, and pray with them, and to assist the lone, brave volunteer firefighter. The couple even had smiles for the camera at the end. We thank God for His perfect timing and for keeping us all safe.”
Now, here’s some more info: It turned out that the wife is Spirit-filled but has strayed from the Lord for a long while. She has been feeling convicted but not doing anything about it. The husband received the Holy Spirit years ago but has never prayed in tongues since. We talked with them both lots by the side of the highway. The lady was especially wide-eyed and totally ready to hear everything the Lord led us to share. At the end, we prayed over her and she dropped upon on her knees by the highway. She cried and prayed in tongues fervently, repenting of many things. While this was happening, Don prayed with the husband, but he isn’t repentant right now. However, Don did get to share lots of scriptural encouragement regarding various issues in his life.
Both of them could see God’s hand on us being the only ones to stop and help. The wife even phoned us about an hour later and we spent another half hour with her talking about all kinds of things to do with the Lord, preaching the fullness of the gospel message, and living a life that pleases God.
We never know what kind of work God is going to call us to…!!