We were in Los Angeles last week and met a lady (Ayrie) in a shoe store. She started chatting to me about how hard it is to find clothing when you’re a small size (we’re both petite). Ayrie and I talked about a variety of things and she shared some difficulties she’s had in the past. I told her how Jesus could free her from her pain and trauma. I briefly shared our family’s experiences and offered to pray with her. She was keen, so we (Ayrie, my husband and I) simply stepped outside the store to a quiet spot. Ayrie was quickly filled with the Holy Spirit, speaking in tongues as proof. She has a strong Catholic background, so all of this was pleasantly surprising to her.

We then went back to LA yesterday to baptize Ayrie. We phoned around before we left and finally found a hotel that would let us use their hot tub (Ayrie doesn’t have a bathtub in her apartment). It all went well and we got to spend some more time with her at a coffee shop afterward, sharing more of God’s Word with her. Ayrie was very keen to learn and wants to get together again. Praise God!

