We asked Nate if he wanted us to come to his worship meeting again to pray with some more people. He was keen, so we went this last Sunday. At the end of the service, we got the opportunity to pray with two more people (on separate occasions). Nate encouraged two of his members who had yet to receive the Holy Spirit to pray with our little team and both of them were filled with the Spirit mightily, speaking boldly in tongues for the very first time (as the initial manifesting sign of having just been anointed). Praise God! It was another very joyous time with Nate’s fellowship.

We also had Nate and his family and one of the newly Spirit-filled brothers back to our house for lunch. Paula (Nate’s wife) wanted us to pray with her older son (16 years) this time, to inspire him to get praying in tongues on a daily basis. The last time he’d prayed in the Spirit was over a month ago, so we laid hands on him and prayed over him. It wasn’t long at all before Nathan (Nate’s son) was praying confidently in tongues!

The Holy Spirit also compelled us to exhort him scripturally, so please join us in praying that Nathan will lay hold upon the Word of God as it applies to his situation. We want to thank God so much for the truth and power of His Word!

