Two people got filled with the Spirit this last week, and another gal got speaking in tongues again after not praying in the Holy Spirit for at least 18 months! We met their pastor after a local Concert in The Park event. He was there at the civic park playing basketball with a friend/brother in the Lord and we got talking with them both in the parking area.
Actually, it was quite funny how we met. One of us was wondering how far 358 yards is (based on something he was Googling at the time), so Don marched off, pacing out the distance across the car park and back. His calculations took him past the vehicle where the pastor and his friend were chatting. Don heard the word “church” in their conversation, so he spun around and asked them about it.
We ended up chatting with Nate (the pastor) for a very long time. He invited us to one of his worship meetings and we felt moved to go the next Sunday. A large number of his fellowship are born again, but some others have yet to receive the Holy Spirit. It was refreshing to learn that Nate understands the necessity of being born again of both water and the Spirit (John 3:5) and the significance of speaking in tongues as the first manifesting sign of being filled with the Holy Spirit, so we were hopeful that the Lord would use us to help get the rest of his assembly “on the same page.”
After praying with two of the fellowship members, we went to lunch with Nate and his family at which point we got to share many of the amazing testimonies of how the Lord has so graciously moved upon our traveling ministry. Nate’s wife (Paula) was inspired to ask us to pray with their youngest son (Mateo – 10 years old) who had been baptized in water but wasn’t yet Spirit-filled. So, we invited the family back to our house.
We enjoyed talking some more, getting to know one another and sharing stories of God’s hand, and then we all prayed over Mateo. Don then took Mateo aside to pray one-on-one with him in another room and this helped. Don encouraged him lots, and soon Mateo was praying in tongues comfortably.
It was a day filled with miracles and great fellowship. We were also inspired to hear Nate and Paula’s testimony of how their daughter was healed soon after she was born. The doctors diagnosed her with spinal meningitis. They told the parents to expect all kinds of horrible results for their little girl. The family and fellowship prayed and prayed. One day when Paula was feeling particularly taxed, a sister in the Lord phoned her and told her she was coming by. Paula was not up to it, but the sister insisted as she felt compelled by God to pray with Paula.
As they prayed together, the Lord gave them a message: “It’s not my report” (or something to that effect – we can’t remember exactly). When they went back inside the hospital, the next lot of tests came up completely clear. The medical staff tried to explain things away, saying that their systems had been out of whack and that’s why the report of spinal meningitis kept appearing. But, Paula and her family and the sister knew very well otherwise! They knew all the glory went to God in the name of Jesus Christ!