A number of times we have run into a man and his beautiful dog at a local park. The time before last, Don had a great conversation with him about the misrepresentation of God in various church groups. At one point, the man’s wife had put together a detailed scripture-based document to present to their pastor at the time, to question various happenings in the fellowship that just didn’t seem right. Subsequently, the couple was asked to leave.
Don invited the man and his wife over for coffee, to look at more of the Word and to pray for the Holy Spirit anointing, but they never came. Then, I ran into the man again the other day. This time, he revealed some sad news - that his wife’s brain tumor has come back and is inoperable. I could instantly perceive how God had miraculously lined up yet another conversation (as I wasn’t meant to be at the park on that day), so I proceeded to share this with him along many encouraging words about healing and other promises in God’s Word, for those that lay hold.
I recounted some personal testimonies including my own healing, Don’s healings, and Manuel in Belize who was instantly healed of terminal bowel cancer, and I urged the man not to let the negatives of ‘Churchianity’ discourage him and his wife from receiving the message and opportunity for blessing that God was obviously bringing to them. The man said he would chat to his wife again, but we haven’t yet heard back.
Please pray for this couple. God is so mericful and continues to try to draw people to Him in humility and obedience, but at the end of the day, God doesn’t “do” for people - it has to be their own desire to, as the Bible says, take up their cross and follow after Him with all their heart, soul, mind, and strength.
Another person we have run into again is a server at a local cafe. I had given her a ChristiansRule.com card a long while when we first relocated to the area. I think it came about because she saw the email address I was typing into the screen, to receive the purchase receipt. Given her church background, she recognized it was Bible-related, so she asked about it. We had a great yet very brief conversation at the time, at which point I learned that her mom is filled with the Holy Spirit and loves to pray tongues.
Since then, we have seen her a number of times at the cafe, but nothing ever worked out for us to continue the conversation until last week. Don and I went there for a brief snack while waiting to pick up Elisabeth from a library activity. It’s something we never do as I normally take Elisabeth to the library on my own and either attend class with her, or do office work on my phone, or head to the store. And, we had actually purposed to go to a different coffee shop, but we changed our mind.
Anyway, we got the server gal this time and got chatting with her about life. She didn’t recognize me at first and only clued in after she asked us where we had met as a couple. I replied, “Remember the card I gave you? Well, how Don and I met is related to that…” The gal’s eyes suddenly lit up, and she said she was so excited we had finally connected again. Apparently she had accidentally lost our card, but she had told her mother all about our original conversation, and she had been hoping to see us again to get another card. What’s even more amazing is that the gal’s mom had just finished visiting from Kentucky, and the both of them had had some very meaningful conversations about the Lord. The server gal could very much see God’s miraculous timing on things - with us turning up in her life again the very next day after chatting with her mother about her spiritual desires!