Yesterday, we had the urge to do something we haven’t done in a long time: go berry picking at a local farm. We were so determined to leave by 9:00am, but we didn’t get out of the door until 9:30, and half way on our drive there, we realized we’d forgotten to select “include toll roads” in our directions, so it took almost twice as long as it should have in order to get there. Nevertheless, we made the most of it as we always do when we’re together, reminiscing and laughing, praying and sharing thoughts, etc.
More than anything, we concluded that “maybe there was a reason” for our delays, especially since it’s very unusual for Don to mess up directions. We had a really fun time, picked way too many berries, enjoyed the live music, and soaked up the sun — some of us a little too much . . .
Nothing for the Lord’s work stood out for us, though, until just as we were leaving. There was a bit of a crowd exiting the farm at the time, and Ethan spied a young man about his own age wearing a t-shirt advertising his church. Ethan started up a conversation with him that turned into a deep scriptural discussion in the parking lot. We all joined in, exchanging scripture after scripture, and we finally discovered that both the young man and his wife can speak in tongues (so, have experienced the Holy Spirit anointing), but made a deliberate choice to no longer pray in tongues many years ago after their church made a collective decision to deny tongues. Apparently, at the time, many people were Holy Spirit filled and spoke in tongues, yet not everyone, and this eventually caused the leadership to change their outlook and direction for the entire congregation.
We tried our best to explain that if people only have a view of the Holy Spirit anointing and speaking in tongues as an “optional extra,” then you’re bound to end up with a group full of confusion and disunity, which will then lead to compromise in order to appease those that have not yet been filled with the Holy Spirit.
Don even encouraged the young couple, “Just simply be open minded that perhaps our conversation today is personally from the Lord to you both — so, even if you’re unsure about things at this point, just purpose to go and start praying in tongues again every day in your private lives and see what happens — and, lay hands on your disabled son (they have a toddler who is mentally handicapped) and pray over him in tongues in faith, and see how God’s miraculous hand starts to move upon him, too!” Yet, it was utterly heartbreaking to hear their resolute reply, “No, we’re not going to do that.”
We tried to encourage them both as much as they would listen to, but in the end, we just had to leave the situation in God’s hands. Deep down, I felt that they “got” what we were saying because they revealed there was a long period of their lives when they did understand and follow Scripture as we do, at least to a large degree. But, we can only do what God puts before us, and the rest we need to faithfully leave up to Him. We know God will to continue to move upon the young couple, to reinforce the message He gave us to share with them yesterday. I can imagine we’re not the only ones God has been using to try to help this couple understand how they are seriously quenching the Holy Spirit (1 Thessalonians 5:19).
Sometimes, God’s work is joyful and we get to share in the beautiful fruits, and other times it can be heartwrenching and frustrating. Yet, we maintain “the peace of God that passes all understanding” throughout it all, never let anything steal our joy, and most all, remain faithful to our calling no matter what.”