It’s so cool how we’re praying with more people over the phone these days to receive the baptism of the Holy Spirit. A few weeks ago, we met Leon while on a call to a Hilton vacations company in Florida. At the end of the call, we asked him if he went to church. We found out that he had been a churchgoer for many years but hadn’t yet been anointed with the Holy Spirit. He was keen to connect with us again at a time when he was off work. That happened last Sunday afternoon. We got to speak with him for quite a while, taking him through various fundamental scriptures that he’d never focused on before. He was excited to hear our explanations of how they relate to the salvation message, and soon we were praying with him over the phone to be filled with the Spirit. We all prayed in our office while Leon prayed at home. He received the Spirit very powerfully. He was very moved by the experience, so much so that he expressed how eager he was to share his new understanding of God’s Word with others straight away.

Beginning with one seemingly insignificant initial phone conversation about something completely unrelated to God, the Lord led yet another soul to be born again of the Spirit. We continually rejoice at the privilege of being used as vessels to spread the truth throughout the world – even over a cell phone!!! Thank you God!

