One final amazing testimony to share: The guy (Kiril) who came to buy our car before we flew out received the Holy Spirit while praying with us, too! God is so mighty! Kiril also has a Seventh Day Adventist background (as does Stacey and her mom, Denise). Stacey was able to share her testimony with him because she was there when he came to collect the car. After just five minutes of talking with him about the Holy Spirit anointing and its necessity for salvation (John 3:5), he was very excited to have us all pray for him. He received the Spirit quite powerfully after about ten minutes of prayer, so much so that he broke down with tears of joy and relief after praying in tongues for a long while. Kiril said he felt different. He felt so good. He knew he’d been changed by the power of God. Please keep Kiril and all the others from this trip in your prayers. Our travels have yet again been blessed by God’s miraculous hand!

