An email from my husband just came in this morning. Praise God!:

I had to head to the airport this morning in Orlando to fly out for a one day venture while my wife and kids stayed in Orlando. I booked a shuttle yesterday for 6:40 a.m. A Ford Expedition pulled up to where I was directed to wait. There was a family there with tons of luggage. They couldn’t fit me in and I was told to wait and that they would send someone else for me. A few minutes later an unmarked towncar pulled up and the driver asked my name. He said to hop in. Off we drove. The driver informed me what had happened: The regular larger shuttle had broken down, so they had to send these other vehicles. When they couldn’t fit me into the Expedition, they sent the second car.

I asked him many questions to try to find an opening for conversation about the Lord. Finally, I used the story of how I missed my flight to Belize six weeks earlier because the hotel didn’t give me my requested wake-up call. Then I said how it turned out for the best because we ended up meeting a couple that day with whom we shared our Christian testimonies, and the fellow ended up coming to our hotel room to pray for the Holy Spirit. He was anointed with the Spirit with the evidence of speaking in tongues.

I asked the driver if he goes to church. He said he is Catholic. I gave him more testimonies of healings and miracles and others receiving the Spirit. As we were pulling into the airport parking lot, I asked him how he felt about what I was saying. He said he was getting emotional. I could see he was tearing up. We pulled up to the drop-off curb for my airline. I asked him if he would like to pray for the Holy Spirit. He said yes. He is about 60 years old. There were people all around and they don’t want vehicles sitting there not unloading, but the Lord was working. I laid a hand on him as I sat in the backseat. I encouraged him to pray fervently. We prayed for about a minute until he began to speak in tongues, and then we continued to pray for another minute or so. I pulled out my iPad and filmed a short interview with him, and I encouraged him to be baptized when I get back to Orlando tomorrow.

Very interestingly, as I got out of the car I looked up and there was the “Curb Marshall” standing right there. He was looking at me as if to say, “I cut you some slack there.” I think he must have been standing there watching us pray, and he probably heard us too!

Praise Jesus! The fields are ready to harvest. The more we forget about ourselves and go forth in faith, expecting to be used by the Lord as vessels for His Word, situations occur constantly. I’m now waiting for my flight and wondering what else the Lord has in store for the next 24 hours!

