Another person filled with the Spirit within minutes!:

Two nights ago we were getting a ride back to our room with a golf cart driver. Just as we were hopping out of the cart, the man (Eddie) said, “Have a blessed night!” Immediately my husband turned around and asked him, “You mentioned the word blessed; do you go to church?” Eddie was very intrigued to hear about the infilling of the Holy Spirit and speaking in tongues. After a few minutes of talking about the Lord, we ended up sitting right there in the golf cart, laying hands on Eddie and praying for him to be anointed with the Holy Spirit. He received the Holy Spirit anointing, speaking in tongues, and then had to zip back off to the lobby after another pick up call on his radio. We only spent minutes with him, but his life was changed forever! Praise God! Oh, and just like Mayola in my last post, Eddie said he felt a fire go through him when he was filled with the Spirit. He was very touched by the whole experience.

