Great news! We met a man (Phil) in a wheelchair at a hotel in Florida. We got talking to him about the Lord and he was very keen to come back to our hotel room to pray for the baptism of the Holy Spirit. Phil was anointed with the Spirit very quickly and very powerfully, praying in tongues, and he actually felt a strong warmth in his paralyzed legs. We had to head out the next day, but we will keep in touch with him. He now has God’s power within him, and we pray he will take the extra step towards God and be water baptized.

Then, today we were on the road to Belize City (we’re in Belize for a few weeks and then on to Mexico and back to Florida). We came across a lady and her 17-year-old son on the side of the road. Their car was broken down. It turned out that the boy was already Spirit-filled, but the mom wasn’t. We prayed for the mom and she received the infilling of the Holy Spirit, crying with such joy and gratefulness to God!

Praise God how He uses natural circumstances to bring people together so His work can be done. If all of us are always ready, and if we expect to be used by God at any time, He will use us to pour out His blessing upon others. For this mother and her son, a seemingly negative situation turned into a miracle. And for Phil, a seemingly hopeless situation has now suddenly changed completely. God is good and oh so powerful, beyond our natural understanding!

