Don in particular gets lots of opportunity to share the Word here while he’s out and about. So many people are receptive to his funny comments and caring gestures, which opens the door to Him sharing with Word with them somehow, some way. Every situation is different.
The Y, however, has been an interesting one. It’s one of the places where Don has felt led not to do anything deliberate and just to wait for God to put undoubtedy obvious situations in his path, for him to respond to in obedience. The Lord has done a number of things already (some of which we have blogged about already), but this week was particularly interesting…
Don was focused on his workout when two men loudly and continuously chatted right next to him, mentioning things like church and Bible study, and some hurt from other church-goers. It got to the point where Don just had to open his mouth in response to what God was obviously putting before him. Even though Don carefully and kindly came from the angle of “the healing and overcoming power of the Holy Spirit,” the discussion didn’t go very well.
However, while Don patiently endured the two men’s passionate objections, a third (younger) man was listening in who joined the chat at the very end. Even though the first two men soon left, the third one wanted to know more. Don invited him to call upon us to set up a time to pray, but the man persisted and wanted to pray right there at the gym! So, Don and Ethan found a quiet spot in one of the empty rooms and they laid hands on him. The guy began speaking in tongues and was quite taken aback to discover that what Don had been talking about is actually real!
Please pray for him as he has some struggles that he needs to commit to overcoming by now using the power of the Holy Spirit that he experienced for the first time the other day. And, this is what it comes down to for us all i.e. the Holy Spirit is the Helper, not the “doer,“ so it always depends on us and our daily choices. It’s when we choose correctly that the Holy Spirit then supports us through our walk in the Lord.