We went out for Pho the other night and on our way out of the restaurant, Don got talking with a young man in his twenties who was standing outside with his take-away bag of food. He was wearing a Canadian t-shirt, so that’s how the conversation began. When Don found out that he’d been struggling with quite a few things over the years and that he attributed his overcomings so far to turning to Jesus and the Bible, it opened the door to us sharing our stories and global Christian ministry.

We ended up praying over him at the side of the restaurant and he received the infilling of the Holy Spirit, speaking in tongues as proof. It was a quiet and gentle experience for him, but he was very touched by the miraculousness of it all. We then encouraged him to complete his born again experience by being water baptized, so he came back to our hotel where Don baptized him by full immersion in the outdoor hot tub.

Praise God! His timing is so perfect in connecting us together with people who are hungering and thirsting for a real relationship with God!

