I was looking back through some emails and came across this. It was amazing how God called us to help this little fellowship for a brief time. We were able to visit Patrick’s fellowship a few times and encourage him that they were indeed on track regarding their salvation message despite them experiencing much persecution over the years.

“We were truly honored that both of you would drive such a long distance to come see a little church out in nowhere Fontana… a place I fought the Lord that I did not want to come too. I can’t begin to tell you how I have been encouraged and strengthened I was to find others that believe like us, and I was totally floored to see the ACTS 19:2 verse on your website! Again, after our all night prayer that Friday, I know the Lord has brought both of you our way, for what reason, only our Lord knows, but I do not believe ANYTHING IS COINCIDENTAL as He orders our footsteps. I left everything to follow my Lord. It’s been a tremendous journey of trials, tests, attacks, you name it. It seems the Lord sent you at the right time as a confirmation to us that we are doing something right! We have so much to talk about, I don’t feel an email will do it. We are looking forward to seeing all of you again.

God Bless,

Your long lost brother in Christ…

Pastor Patrick Scales

