While viewing a house for sale, we got speaking with the realtor (Amy) about her acting roles in some Bible-based movies (she has had a very diverse career). This opened the door to an amazing conversation that revealed that our coming together was absolutely no coincidence. A dear friend of hers had even just very recently talked to Amy about speaking in tongues and Amy had been wanting to learn more. We offered to pray with Amy right there in the house and she was very keen, so we all sat down in the staged living room and laid hands on her, asking Jesus to fill Amy with the Holy Spirit. She received instantly, speaking forth in tongues.

Amy told us afterward that she felt incredibly peaceful with no fear, something she had never ever felt before. We explained how that was consistent with the many things God says in His Word about the Holy Spirit. We all had to quickly leave in order to get to the next showing we had planned, but straight afterward we went back to Amy’s house where Don baptized her and spent more time sharing God’s Word along with a sampling of our many amazing testimonies.

It was a wonderful evening getting to know one another and rejoicing in God’s hand upon the day. We have been in touch with Amy since and we’re looking forward to the next time we can all get together. We just never know when and how the Lord is going to put work before us to do in Jesus’ name. What a blessed privilege to be His vessel!

