We have an amazing sequel story: We recorded in an earlier post how we got talking about the Lord with a local doctor during an appointment and she invited us back at the end of the day to pray with her. We turned up at her office and in the waiting room were a bunch of other people she had invited to come and hear what we had to say. Four people got filled with the Holy Spirit that night!
Anyway, here’s what happened recently: We were on our way back from seeing a movie. It was very late at night and we felt like a snack. The only decent place that was open was our local In-N-Out burger place (they have great lettuce wrap burgers!) We walked to the outdoor patio area thinking it’d be easy to find a seat, but it was jam-packed! We had a feeling the gathering was related to some kind of church group, so we kept our radar on as we sat on the retaining wall and ate there. Very soon, we overheard a table of young people mention Scripture. But, we were only able to speak with them briefly before their family members called them as they were all leaving (it was about 12:30 a.m. by this time).
Disappointed that we didn’t get to finish our conversation with the young people, we looked around for other opportunities. Everyone had quickly gotten up and left about the same time and there was only one table of people left in the corner. We felt moved to speak with them on the way out of the patio area. As we approached the table, a lady said to us, “Hey, I know you!” It was the local doctor we’d previously prayed with!
She was sitting with a man and three young ladies. We soon discovered that the doctor had organized a very large Bible-based concert evening at a local venue that night and everyone we had seen at In-N-Out had attended the event. It was amazing, miraculous timing, and it gave us an opportunity to chat with the others at the table. We learned that the man was the band manager and the three young ladies were the doctor’s nieces, visiting for just one week from Mexico.
We ended up praying with the three gals (the man was already Spirit-filled and agreed with everything we had to share), and they all received the Holy Spirit! Actually, one of the gals said she had spoken in tongues many years ago during some mission work, but she hadn’t prayed in tongues since then, so we really just ignited the fire of the Holy Spirit that was already within her. The other two young ladies were very touched by their experiences – there were many tears of joy!
We talked for a long while and by the time we left it was about 2 o’clock in the morning! What an evening, praise God!