This is another belated post. So much has been happening that, yet again, we’re behind in recording all of the amazing things God has been calling us to do lately…
We had a long list of doctor’s offices we could choose from for a medical we all had to go through. We chose one that seemed the best for us, and as soon as we entered we realized why God had moved upon our choice. Every wall was covered with scriptures! While in the examination room with the doctor, we asked her the meaning of all the references to God throughout her clinic. She (Dr. Gonzales) excitedly told us about her walk with the Lord over the years and her new radio ministry she very recently started (that she wants to extend into Mexico). We discovered she had received the Holy Spirit, speaking in tongues, many years ago, but she had never prayed in tongues since that day.
Dr. Gonzales was was keen to hear about our traveling ministry adventures, especially the many testimonies we have of praying with people to kick start speaking in tongues again (after they had at one time been filled with the Spirit but were never encouraged to pray in tongues as much as possible every day). After asking her if she’d like us to pray with her, she immediately invited us back that very night at 6:30 when she finished for the day.
The surprising and wonderful thing was that when we turned up, Dr. Gonzales’ waiting room was filled with other people she’d invited to join her. We ended up speaking for over an hour, preaching with boldness and authority from the Word, as led by God. That night, three people were filled with the Holy Spirit, praise God! Also, we prayed with another particular lady that had been resistant to the message we shared (because it contradicted the incorrect message she’d been told by her church group). She was in the same boat as Dr. Gonzales – she’d been filled with the Holy Spirit, speaking in tongues as proof, many years ago while diligently seeking the Lord on her own in her bedroom. She was going through a rough time and her coming to God (versus trying to solve the problem on her own) worked, but she had never prayed in tongues since then.
We encouraged her to allow us to lay hands on her and pray with her. Even though she was rushing out of the door at the time (she needed to get home to her children), she agreed to give it a try. While praying with her at first, she was seemingly conservative. We motivated her to kick things up and come to God fervently. As soon as she did this, she blared forth in tongues. We’d just finished quoting the scripture at the end of the Gospel of Mark that tells us God worked with them and confirmed the word (that the disciples spoke) with signs following (Mark 16:20), so this experience – that everyone else in the room witnessed – was a powerful support of the truth we’d been preaching all night.
Dr. Gonzales is keen to get together with us again when we’re back in town, so we’re very much looking forward to seeing how much more we can be of service in her life – and in the lives of others she knows. In the meantime, we invite you to keep everyone that was touched by the Lord that night in your prayers: Dr. Gonzales, plus Eduardo, Carolle, Monica, and Bianca.
One of our biggest encouragements to them was to never let a day go by without worshipping the Lord in tongues (and not just English – or in their case, Spanish). We also explained that Spirit-filled believers can pray in tongues whenever they like – not just during times of dedicated worship. The more they do so, the stronger the relationship they’ll build with God.