Yet again, we have so much to catch you up on! So, here we go…

In February/March, we did a “Winging It!” trip to Florida and ended up praying with lots of people, with many more preached to:

1) Nancy - An older lady with whom Ethan shared the Word while relaxing in the hot tub. She was very zealous for Jesus and had experienced many amazing miracles in her life so far. We ended up heading to a quieter place in the hotel lobby to pray with her to be filled with the Holy Spirit, and she received, speaking in tongues very fluently. We explained that, having also been water baptized unto Jesus for the remission of sins, she now had full authority to go forth and help others to be born again.

2) Jeremy - He was reading a book about God by the poolside and Don noticed the title. Don asked him about it which led to a very involved conversation about the scriptures, church experience, and what Jesus actually preached. Jeremy had wanted to speak in tongues for many years, but nothing ever happened. We explained we never pray for someone to speak in tongues but only for them to be filled with the Holy Spirit - that the Holy Spirit had been working on the outside of Jeremy’s life until now, but he was yet to receive the indwelling power. He came up to our hotel room and laid hands on him, and prayed over him. Finally, when Jeremy truly surrendered all to God, he was mightily filled with the Holy Spirit, speaking in tongues boldly. We filmed his testimony immediately afterward, and he explained that as soon as he gave over to God, “becoming small and insiginifcant” in his own mind, he suddenly felt the roaring lion of Judah rise up from his belly and and then grow bigger and bigger until he was loudly speaking forth in tongues. It was so wonderful to witness his transformation, praise God!

3) Kaye got talking with one of the housekeepers one day. She learned she was from Jamaica, here working for just 6 months, and that she was Spiritfilled and loved to pray in tongues, fast, and overall relish in her relationship with Jesus. She herself had been baptized, but she didn’t realize that having been fully born again of water and the Holy Spirit, that she can go and do the same for others. She doesn’t have to take people to some kind of official minister with the authorization to baptize and pray over people - rather, she can do it herself as one of God’s anointed children! It was a very blessed conversation.

4) At our next location for the trip, we started to look at real estate (with a view to relocating to the area). There was very little inventory available, but one new listing popped up while we were there, so we jumped to it straight away and were there within about an hour. We didn’t end up pursuing the property, but we did share our stories with the realtor couple during the showing, and they wanted to pray for the Holy Spirit anointing. So, we laid hands on them and prayed right there in the staged living room, just like we did years ago with a realtor in California. The Lord has a miraculous way of repeating certain things in our lives!

5) While hanging out the beach and pier, I got talking with a mother with her 5-year-old boy. We chatted a long while and nothing directly opened up about the Lord, so I deliberately steered the conversation to the Bible and asked her if she was familar with the Day of Pentecost when all of the disciples received the Holy Spirit, speaking in tongues as proof. The entire rest of the afternoon was filled with amazing conversation, praying over her (she received!), and then Don baptized her in the ocean (in the clothes she was wearing!).

6) We got the opprtunity the share the Word with quite a few people at the hotel we were staying at, too. One of the workers (Louis) at the hotel Starbucks mentioned he had a son named Ethan (same as our Ethan), which led to talking about the meaning of names, which in turn led to talking about the Lord. We discovered that Louis was already Spirit-filled, but hadn’t spoken in tongues in many years. We offered to pray with him, to help him “revive” the power of the Holy Spirit within him which had been kind of laying dormant for some time. He asked us to come back the next day on his lunch break when he’d have more time. We did, but he wasn’t available as a delivery had just come in that he had to deal with, so we told him to feel free to reach out to us another time. About 30 minutes later, Louis came walking up to us on the pool deck. I guess we had told him where we were going, and he tracked us down! We went to a quite area and prayed over Louis, and he prayed in tongues really well for the first time in four years! We were also able to counsel him from the Word of God regarding a few serious issues in his life. He seemed very grateful and definitely saw us connecting together as the mighty hand of God!

7) At the beach, Don got chatting with a young-ish couple while ordering food - no alcohol :) - at the outdoor bar. Don was curious about the tattoo on the guy’s arm which, we discovered, was the date of his water baptism during a missionary trip to Central America. Not that we encourage tattoos at all, but it opened the conversation to many scriptures that Austin was unaware of. Our whole family ended up laying hands on Austin at our cabana, and he received the infilling of the Holy Spirit, speaking in tongues. He was very touched, holding back tears!

We prayed over a number of other people on our “Winging It!” trip as the Lord led us each day, including Elizabeth and Stephanie. The Lord knows who they are, and we continue to uphold them in prayer.

