A few months ago, through a series of strong signs/direction from God, we headed to Ohio. We’ll be here for another 6 weeks or so, and so far, the trip has been very interesting. We’ve had much work here to do for the Lord, speaking to many people about the kingdom of God, and asking them “Have you received the Holy Spirit since you believed (in Jesus)?”

During one particular get together, we got talking to a young couple about our spiritual experiences. The wife (Melinda) has a Catholic background and had never heard of speaking in tongues, while the husband (Andrew) was familiar but had never received the Holy Spirit despite his experience with a variety of churches. We asked them if they would like us to pray over them and they were excited to. They were both filled with the Holy Spirit, speaking in tongues as proof, and immediately expressed how they felt “brand new.”

Next thing, we discussed water baptism, that it is a commandment of God. Neither of them had ever been baptized by full immersion, and they were also excited to obey God’s Word in doing this. So, we filled up the bathtub. After Don baptized Andrew, Don got Andrew to baptize his own wife, teaching Andrew that now that he was fully born again (turned to Jesus Christ, repented, been baptized in Jesus’ name, and received the Holy Spirit anointing), he had full authority and a calling from God to go do the same for all others who wanted to follow after Jesus.

It was a very special evening! We started the day talking about other things, but ended up spending the rest of our time together sharing and rejoicing in God’s Word. Praise Jesus!

