Our daughter has been praying a lot lately (during our Mommy/daughter morning prayer times) for the Lord to continue to use my husband for His work’s sake during the last stages of the outdoor renovations, and the Lord is answering! She has seen how we have had multiple opportunities to share the Word of God with tradesmen and other laborers, and even the bosses and company owners, and she recognizes how God is using the natural circumstances (of our property work projects) to bring us together with people who are hungering and thirsting for Truth.
We’ve ended up praying with quite a number of the workers, and some have even been water baptized in our tub while we await the completion of the pool. We’ve even had people (after seeing the state of our place) stop by of their own accord, looking to quote on various jobs and services, and Don has especially had lots of opportunity to share the Word with/pray with people he’s run into while running around town for supplies, etc. That’s what happened this week . . .
Don saw a truck with a scripture reference printed on the spare tire cover. It was parked outside the hardware store he was heading into. So, Don waited for the driver to get out of the vehicle (he was just about to head into the store, too) and Don commented on the scripture. At first, the man (Eric) seemed to kind of lightly dismiss Don and start to walk away, but Don has learned to pursue things a little, so he asked Eric another question. The flesh and the distractions of this life can try to get in the way of God’s work, so sometimes it takes a bit before someone’s mind and heart open up to what God is doing in the situation.
After a long chat (Don also showed Eric the latest video on our “Winging It” page), Don offered to pray with him. By this stage, Eric was sincerely humbled by everything the Lord put on Don’s heart to share, and he very much wanted to be filled with the Holy Spirit. Eric is a large, tough kind of guy, but after he received (they prayed in the car), he was sobbing for a long time, deeply moved (in a good way) by the whole experience.
A similar experience happened two days ago when Don called a landscaper who had taken the initiative to put one of his flyers under our door. He said he was actually available that day, so he stopped by after lunch. Don got chatting with him out front, and the man (Regi) soon started sharing the many difficulties he and his family are struggling with. He said that his wife (she’s Spiritfilled) keeps praying for him and telling him that he needs to draw nigh to God, to get right with Him. Regi did so that day, getting water baptized and filled with the Holy Spirit, speaking in tongues very powerfully. Don and the guys prayed with Regi again before he left (as we try to do with most people), to help him get used to praying in the Holy Spirit.
Please pray for Regi. He has a lot going on in his life, but now he is well-equipped to overcome and be victorious if he uses what God has given him.