Wow, what a week we had! Lots of opportunities to share the Word of God with various people in different situations. Here are two highlights:
1) Don had been trying to get an appointment at a local office for a certification, and no appointments were available for months near where we are staying. Don got to the point where he was just about to drive over two hours south to a small town that had one opening when suddenly an availability popped up very close by.
As Don waited in the foyer for his name to be called, the examiner came out with someone he’d just been interviewing, to say goodbye to him. At the end of the conversation, the examiner said, “Ah well, it’s all in the Lord’s hands!” Instantly, Don knew there was a reason why things worked out for him to come to this particular office.
During Don’s interview, Don found out that the examiner is filled with the Holy Spirit, but wasn’t confident about praying in the Holy Spirit daily. So, Don asked the examiner if he minded if they closed the door so they could pray together. Don laid hands on the examiner and got him praying in tongues again! They both enjoyed chatting about the Lord for a while and rejoiced in God’s hand on them coming together that day.
2) On the way back from his certification appointment, Don felt moved to call into a coffee shop. While he was there, he heard two young men mention the word, “Holy Spirit.” Don walked over to them and told them they were talking about his favorite subject. One of the men is currently attending seminary college and the other is his good friend. While both told Don they believed they had the Holy Spirit based on their experiences with Jesus, Don “expounded the Word of God unto them more perfectly,” explaining the difference between the Holy Spirit working on the outside of someone versus coming to dwell permanently within.
By the end of 1.5 hours of discussing Scripture, the friend was eager to pray. He and Don went out to the car where Don laid hands on him. He was filled with the Holy Spirit within minutes, praying in tongues as proof. He was overjoyed, telling Don over and over, “You ARE a man of God! God sent you here today!” Then they both returned to the table and shared what happened.
Don talked some more with the seminary student who finally agreed that he had nothing to lose by trying, too. He also received Holy Spirit, but even quicker - he began speaking in tongues before Don had even finished his prayer! The young man was stunned, holding back tears.
It took a lot of going over Scripture and a lot of encouragement, but praise God for the patience that God gives us - knowing that there are so many people that have come far in terms of repentance, water baptism, church attendance, etc. yet they are still missing the actual Holy Spirit anointing. So, God sends someone like us to them, to help them achieve that final part of their spiritual conversion. It’s what we live for!